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Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal

Тематика журнала: Технические науки, Химия, Фармакология и фармация
Язык издания:Английский
Индекс ISSN:0091-150X
Периодичность издания: Ежемесячно
В перечне ВАК:Да
Материалы индексируются в Scopus:Да
Издательство:Springer US
Контактные данные:Dmitrovskoe Shosse 58, 127238 Moscow Russia. Phone: + 7 495 482 5590 ext.18. Fax: +7 495 482 5544 ext.18
Сайт издания: http://www.springer.com/biomed/pharmacology+%26+toxicology/journal/11094
Способ оплаты:Неизвестно

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal is a monthly publication devoted to scientific and technical research on the creation of new drugs and the improvement of manufacturing technology of drugs and intermediates. International contributors cover the entire spectrum of new drug research, including:

methods of synthesis;
results of pharmacological, toxicological, and biochemical studies;
investigation of structure - activity relationships in prediction of new compounds;
methods and technical facilities used; and
problems associated with the development of ecologically safe and economically feasible methods of industrial production.

In addition, analytical reviews of the international literature in the field provide coverage of the most recent developments around the world.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal is a translation of the Russian journal Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal.

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