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Functional Analysis and Its Applications (Функциональный анализ и его приложения)

Тематика журнала: Математика
Язык издания:Английский
Индекс ISSN:0016-2663
Периодичность издания: 1 номер в 2 месяца
В перечне ВАК:Да
Материалы индексируются в Scopus:Да
Материалы индексируются в Web of Science:Да
Сайт издания: http://link.springer.com/journal/10688
Способ оплаты:Неизвестно
  • A publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Funktsional'Nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya.
  • Contains articles devoted to current problems of functional analysis.
  • Covers the most important applications of functional analysis in mathematics, mechanics, and theoretical physics.

Functional Analysis and its Applications contains articles devoted to current problems of functional analysis, including representation theory, theory of abstract and functional spaces, theory of operators, spectral theory, theory of operator equations, and the theory of normed rings. The journal also covers the most important applications of functional analysis in mathematics, mechanics, and theoretical physics.

Founded by I. M. Gel'fand in 1967, Functional Analysis and its Applications is a translation of the peer-reviewed Russian journal Funktsional'Nyi Analiz i Ego Prilozheniya, a publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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