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Moscow Mathematical Journal

Тематика журнала: Математика
Язык издания:Английский
Индекс ISSN:1609-3321
Периодичность издания: 1 номер в 3 месяца
В перечне ВАК:Да
Материалы индексируются в Scopus:Да
Издательство:Independent University of Moscow, American Mathematical Society
Сайт издания: http://www.ams.org/home/page
Способ оплаты:Неизвестно

he Moscow Mathematical Journal (MMJ) is an international quarterly published (paper and electronic) by the Independent University of Moscow and limited distribution by the American Mathematical Society. MMJ presents highest quality research and research-expository papers in mathematics from all over the world. Its purpose is to bring together different branches of our science and to achieve the broadest possible outlook on mathematics, characteristic of the Moscow mathematical school in general and of the Independent University of Moscow in particular. An important specific trait of the journal is that it especially encourages research-expository papers, which must contain new important results and include detailed introductions, placing the achievements in the context of other studies and explaining the motivation behind the research. 

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