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International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration

Тематика журнала: Технические науки, Физика
Язык издания:Английский
Индекс ISSN:1027-5851
Периодичность издания: 1 номер в 3 месяца
В перечне ВАК:Да
Материалы индексируются в Scopus:Да
Издательство:International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration
Сайт издания: http://iiav.org/ijav/index.php?va=viewpage&vaid=26
Способ оплаты:Неизвестно

The International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration (IJAV) is the refereed journal of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration (IIAV). The IIAV is a non-profit international scientific society founded in 1995. The primary objective of the Institute is to advance the science of acoustics and vibration by creating an international organization that is responsive to the needs of scientists and engineers concerned with acoustics and vibration problems all around the world. 

Manuscripts of articles, technical notes and letters-to-the-editor should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief via the on-line submission system. Authors wishing to submit an article need to log in on the IJAV website first. Users logged into the website are able to submit new articles, track the status of their articles already submitted, upload revised articles, responses and/or rebuttals to reviewers, figures, biographies, photographs, copyright transfer agreements, and send comments to the editor. Each time the status of an article submitted changes, the author will also be notified automatically by email. 

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